In a collaborative advocacy effort, to work towards the preservation of responsible recreational access and the enhancement of Alberta’s wilderness and natural resources.


In January of 2006, the Alberta Off Highway Vehicle Association (AOHVA), Alberta Trappers Association (ATA), Alberta Fish and Game Association (AFGA), Alberta Snowmobile Association (ASA), Alberta Bowhunters Association (ABA) and Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS), met to discuss and share experiences and concerns regarding past and current processes used in Provincial Park planning. More recently, the Willmore Wilderness Foundation (WWF), Alberta Outfitters Association (AOA) and Foundation for North American Wild Sheep – Alberta Chapter (FNAWS) have joined in the discussions, sharing many of the same concerns. Our message is taking hold with other outdoors organizations, thus we expect our membership to be increasing in the near future.

Our associations represent many thousands of Albertans, who share a love of and respect for the wilderness our provincial Crown Lands provide. Our constituents include avid outdoors men and women, wildlife and fur managers, habitat conservation specialists, commercial outdoor interests, as well as, a broad spectrum of recreational activities. Our concerns focus on a common thread; equitable public access to public lands for traditional users.

Success to date:

  • Forming a common front with diverse interests at a provincial organization level

  • recognition by the Premier, Ministers of Sustainable Resource Development and Tourism, Parks and Recreation

  • Successful campaign the alter the proposed Rock Lake/Solomon Creek Provincial Park Boundaries

  • Providing advice to ATPR Minister for the design and implementation of the Alberta Plan for Parks

... sharing a passion for Alberta outdoors

Alberta Outdoors Coalition

Photos courtesy of
Alberta Bowhunters Association